Find refreshment at any of 64 traditional mountain huts. Discover renewed inspiration on 600 kilometers of hiking trails through the gentle grass mountains and high-alpine peaks of the Hohe Tauern range. Reach new heights on one of 130 summits. This is what hiking in the certified Premium Hiking Region Gastein is all about. With 10 different hiking pins to earn as the perfect souvenir for big and small.
150 points are required for the Gold Hiking Pin. The number of points is based on how difficult destinations are to reach.
If you show this virtual hiking pin at the tourist office in Dorfgastein, Bad Hofgastein or Bad Gastein, you will be able to purchase the actual “Gold Hiking Pin”. 100% of the proceeds benefit Alpine Association chapters in the valley, whose members voluntarily maintain all area hiking paths.
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For this trophy, you need to achieve 150 points.
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