Body za umístění se sbírají jednou za běh. Vícenásobné sbírání stejného umístění nepřináší žádné další body.
Tuto trofej lze získat několikrát. Po jeho dosažení se body počítají znovu od začátku. Na vyšší úrovně to nemá žádný vliv.
Turistický odznak „Silver“ vyžaduje dosažení 1500 bodů. Tohoto počtu bodů lze dosáhnout různými cíli.
Turistický odznak ve „stříbře“ lze po předložení příslušného certifikátu zakoupit v místní turistické informační kanceláři Kötztinger Land.
Body, které již byly uplatněny, zůstávají zachovány – jednoduše je pokračujte ve sbírání na příští dovolené a vyšplhejte se na další vrcholy – nebo je sbírejte pro další vyšší ocenění!
Turistický špendlík si můžete vyzvednout na následujících místech:
Kur- und Gästeservice Bad Kötzting, Bahnhofstr. 15, 93444 Bad Kötzting, +49 9941 40032150,
Tourist-Info Blaibach, Kirchplatz 6, 93476 Blaibach, +49 9941 945013,
Tourist-Info Grafenwiesen, Rathausplatz 6, 93479 Grafenwiesen, +49 9941 940317,
Tourist-Info Hohenwarth, Schulstr. 3, 93480 Hohenwarth, +49 9946 9028128,
Tourist-Info Miltach, Kötztinger Str. 3, 93468 Miltach, +49 9944 3415-15,
Tourist-Info Rimbach, Hohenbogenstr. 10, 93485 Rimbach, +49 9941 940016,
Tourist-Info Zandt, Rathausplatz 1, 93499 Zandt, +49 9944 30300-15,
Body za umístění se sbírají jednou za běh. Vícenásobné sbírání stejného umístění nepřináší žádné další body.
Tuto trofej lze získat několikrát. Po jeho dosažení se body počítají znovu od začátku. Na vyšší úrovně to nemá žádný vliv.
This trophy includes the following 183 locations:
This trophy includes the following 64 stages:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 22 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following location:
This stage includes the following 17 locations:
This stage includes the following location:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following location:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 2 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 3 locations:
This stage includes the following location: