Route: Reith Information Office - Römerstraße - Kalktalweg - Leithen train stop - Kobesbichlweg - Leithner Wiesenweg - Reith - Lauserweg - Reith Information Office
Parking and public transport:
Parking facilities near the train station.
By train to Reith train station.
Find all connections in real time with the Mobility-App "wegfinder".
The hike begins at the Reith information office - from here, turn right onto Römerstraße and follow it through the village. At the end of the village, just before the underpass, turn left into the Kalktalweg and follow this until the asphalt road joins a gravel path. Follow the gravel road (parallel to the railroad tracks on the right side) until you reach the ÖBB train stop Leithen. Then turn right, go through the underpass and follow the Kobesbichlweg downhill until you reach the main road. After crossing the main road, follow the Leithener Wiesenweg until it turns into a gravel path. Follow the forest path parallel to the main road until you arrive back in the village of Reith. At the junction, which leads into the Niederwiesenweg, now go steeply uphill to the right through the underpasses of the main road and the railroad tracks until you reach the Lauserweg. Follow the Lauserweg until you reach the Römerstraße, where you will find the Reith Information Office - the end point of the hike - on the right.
Alpine emergency call:
Call: 140