Route: Scharnitz – Gleirschhöhe – Valley Gleirschtal – Kristenalm – Möslalm - Scharnitz
From the information centre in the direction of Isarlodge Wiesenhof. Continue to Gleirschhöhe. There you follow the right forest road in the direction of Gleirschtal. Before the official saw (unmanaged) a forest path branches off to the right to the Kristenalm, which you reach in about one hour. From the turning Kristenalm straight ahead you reach the Amtssäge (unmanaged), following the forest road to the right, you will reach the Möslalm after 15 minutes. You can either take the same path back to Scharnitz or hike back through the wildly romantic Gleirschklamm gorge (caution for experienced hikers only).