Take a Walk along the Eagle’s Wings!
Enjoy an eagle’s perspective of Tirol’s most beautiful Alpine scenery. As the eagle flies, the Eagle Walk runs through Tirol – the whole length of the country, from east to west. The Eagle Walks is steep in some places, gentle in others, and rugged in most. Novice and expert alike will enjoy the varied terrain of the trail as it passes through the heart of the Alps; however, many stages should only be attempted by those who are sure footed and comfortable on unstable ground.
Um die analoge Urkunde und den dazugehörigen Pin zu erhalten, sende bitte die entsprechende Urkunde von SummitLynx an info@tirol.at mit dem Betreff: "Adlerweg-Prämien".
For this trophy, you need to achieve 24 points.
The points have to be collected within 5 years to achieve the trophy.
The points for a location are collected once per run. Collecting the same location multiple times does not score any additional points.
This trophy can be reached several times.
After reaching it, points are counted again from the beginning.
This has no effect on higher levels.