Endlessly stretching forests, ridges with breathtaking views, deeply carved valleys, and towering mountains – this is the Westweg, established in 1900 by the Black Forest Association as Germany's first long-distance hiking trail. Whether it’s the Murgtal, Mummelsee, or the summit of Feldberg, the Westweg traverses all the natural regions of Germany’s highest low mountain range. Spanning 285 kilometers, the Westweg begins in Pforzheim on the northern edge of the Black Forest and ends in Basel, where Germany, France, and Switzerland meet.
This hiking badge is a purely digital award, and you will receive a certificate via email.
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For this trophy, you need to achieve 11 points.
The points for a location are collected once per run. Collecting the same location multiple times does not score any additional points.
This trophy can be reached several times.
After reaching it, points are counted again from the beginning.
This has no effect on higher levels.