Welcome to the Gourmet Trails in the Black Forest – a unique network of paths filled with delightful highlights. Whether it's nature, culture, or regional delicacies, the Gourmet Trails showcase the Black Forest at its best.
By successfully hiking 40 Gourmet Trails in the Black Forest, you will receive a gold hiking badge for free. Every hiker will also receive a personalized certificate along with a reward! For helpful tips on the routes and more information, please contact the Black Forest Tourism GmbH or the individual regions in the Black Forest. Enjoy your hiking and collecting!
Once you have achieved the hiking badge, feel free to send your certificate along with your postal address to outdoor@schwarzwald-tourismus.info, and you will receive your reward by mail.
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For this trophy, you need to achieve 40 points.
The points for a location are collected once per run. Collecting the same location multiple times does not score any additional points.
This trophy can be reached several times.
After reaching it, points are counted again from the beginning.
This has no effect on higher levels.