"Hike me" shout THE MOUNTAIN and THE VALLEY.
These two are, so to speak, hiking itself.
Pack your backpack full of wanderlust and set off for 57 of their most beautiful destinations. Hike along paths and streams. Come to the summits and across the alpine pastures. Discover the sensations of silence and enjoy your success.
As a LOVER of BERG und TAL you will receive the gold hiking pin with 50 points.
The points can be earned during several holiday stays in Grimming-Donnersbachtal. The hiking pin will be presented to you in person at the tourist office upon presentation of the app.
Trautenfelserstraße 220
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal, Österreich
+43 3682 239 99
vykúpiť teraz
For this trophy, you need to achieve 250 points.
Body za lokalitu sa zbierajú raz za beh. Za viacnásobné zbieranie tej istej lokality sa nezískavajú žiadne ďalšie body.
Túto trofej môžete získať niekoľkokrát.
Po jeho dosiahnutí sa body počítajú znova od začiatku.
Na vyššie úrovne to nemá žiadny vplyv.