You are already becoming a real Murtal mountain expert.
If you simply love our alpine pastures, peaks and lakes and are looking for particularly beautiful places, then you've come to the right place.
You can successfully hike the Silver-Pin with a few more challenging tours or use the numerous easy options to reach your pin.
We wish you wonderful mountain and valley moments and look forward seeing wonderful photos of our excursion destinations.
Visit us at one of our tourist offices and get your hiking pin.
Tourismusverband Murtal
Red Bull Ring Straße 1, 8724 Spielberg
+43 3577 26600
We are available for you from Mon - Fri from 9 - 12 and 13 - 16 - for all guests who cannot visit us during this time - write us an e-mail with your contact details and we will be happy to send you the pin.
vykúpiť teraz
For this trophy, you need to achieve 20 points.
Body za lokalitu sa zbierajú raz za beh. Za viacnásobné zbieranie tej istej lokality sa nezískavajú žiadne ďalšie body.
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Po jeho dosiahnutí sa body počítajú znova od začiatku.
Na vyššie úrovne to nemá žiadny vplyv.