Start is at the information office Walchsee in direction Hotel Bellevue, vis á vis of the Hotel Bellevue turn in a narrow path (with gate). There, turn off to right up a slight slope to the Calvary and the 4 Elements trail. Follow the path through the meadows in the direction of forest and forest mile. Follow the forest mile to the end (you can also join the fitness exercises) until you come to a wide forest road. Turn left at the end of the road and keep left at the football field, turn at the next crossroad on the right. Over the bridge and then follow the path on the left, through two gates along the Ramsbach. After the next gate turn right and follow the road around the "Schwemm" (Tyrol's largest moorland). Pass the observation tower, the golf course and the chapel. After the gravel pit to the Bachstraße, turn right to the federal main road, cross it and then turn left across the bridge to the church of Walchsee and back to the information office.