Fancy hiking the mountains around Kufstein? By hiking to various destinations that are part of the Silver Stock Coat of Arms, you'll have rightfully earned the badge in "Silver".
With easier-to-reach destinations, you'll collect fewer points than with more challenging ones. Enjoy collecting!
When reaching 75 points, one receives the Stockwappen at the Tourist Info in Kufstein on the Lower Stadtplatz.
Vnovči zdaj
Za to pohodniški značko moraš doseči 75 točk.
Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
To iglo lahko večkrat dosežete.
Ko so dosežene, se točke ponovno štejejo od začetka.
To ne vpliva na višje ravni.