Hike on the way to slow down (Weg der Entschleunigung) to the strongest places of power in the Bohemian Forest region. When you have completed the 9-day hike, you have reached all 150 points-collecting locations and you have hiked the GOLD badge.
The Olympus of the Bohemian Forest, the devil's bowls (die Teufelsschüsseln), is the most powerful place in the Mühlviertel. Geomancer Günter Kantilli found this out during measurements.
In addition to the special stones, churches and pilgrimage chapels are also strong places of power. Return to your everyday life strengthened by the radiation of the granite and the special, healthy forest air.
Redemption office:
The Bohemian Forest holiday region, Hauptstrasse 2, A-4160 Aigen-Schlägl
Vnovči zdaj
Za to pohodniški značko moraš doseči 288 točk.
Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
To iglo lahko večkrat dosežete.
Ko so dosežene, se točke ponovno štejejo od začetka.
To ne vpliva na višje ravni.