You will receive the Radstadt hiking pin in "Bronze" when you complete 2 tours. The 12 tours are described in the brochure "The most beautiful hiking tours around Radstadt".
The hiking pin is issued upon presentation of the goals you have reached at the Radstadt Tourist Office. Our office is open from Monday to Friday from 08.00am to 06.00pm. In the high season also on Saturdays from 09.00am to 12.00pm.
Vnovči zdaj
Za to pohodniški značko moraš doseči 2 točk.
Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
To iglo lahko večkrat dosežete.
Ko so dosežene, se točke ponovno štejejo od začetka.
To ne vpliva na višje ravni.