Explore film locations of well known film and television productions in the region Chiemsee Alpenland. Collect points and exchange it into a pin on site.
Upon presentation oft he certificate optained or the digital award FILM LOCATION- EXPLORER this can be converted into a pin on site at a FILM LOCATION-EXPLORER Partner. All the partners are listet here:
For the pin you have to collect 40 points.
Vnovči zdaj
Za to pohodniški značko moraš doseči 26 točk.
Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
To iglo lahko večkrat dosežete.
Ko so dosežene, se točke ponovno štejejo od začetka.
To ne vpliva na višje ravni.