Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
Do igle lahko dosežete samo enkrat.
Opomba: Ta igla je (trenutno) neaktivna!
Die Allgäuer Wandertrilogie feiert ihren 10. Geburtstag und du kannst mitfeiern! Wandere eine Etappe der Wandertrilogie oder einen Triologie-Rundgang und nimm am Gewinnspiel teil! Der Hauptgewinn: Zwei Übernachtungen im AllgäuTopHotel Adler in Oberstaufen!
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Točke za gol se štejejo enkrat na krog. Večkratno zbiranje istega cilja vam ne prinese dodatnih točk.
Do igle lahko dosežete samo enkrat.
This trophy includes the following 63 stages:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 8 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 10 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 5 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 9 locations:
This stage includes the following 4 locations:
This stage includes the following 6 locations:
This stage includes the following 7 locations:
This trophy has 24 trails: